Thursday, April 25, 2013

Ant in my pants!

Day 32:

Today was filled with fun and a lot of crying, but I was the only one crying...hmm...if you know all...this sounds familiar.  Anyway, it was mostly good cries.  I had the distinct privilege of staying up super late with my sister Amanda.  The first time I ever met her, I felt like we were bosom buddies. To clarify, I *think* bosom buddies is a reference from Anne of Green Gables, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I knew we were cut from the same cloth so to speak.  We finally got to have a nice long chat tonight, and it was so nice!  Living overseas sometimes gets lonely and there are few people in the world that could understand me to begin with, but being able to understand me and the realities I face, and help me make sense of it, that's extra special!  So tonight I am thankful for all the friends God has placed in my life.  Even though some are only here (in Thailand) for a short time, and some live far away, and some live nearby, but our paths don't cross nearly enough, some are young and some are old. But as I sit here and think of all the wonderful people God has provided to bless me at just the right time and place, I am truly thankful for goodness, and even reminded that he wants to have a relationship with me, and I ALWAYS have access to Him. 

And if you are reading this, I know you've been a friend and support to me, so I want to thank YOU, for taking time out of your day to check on me, it means so very much!
Some day, we hope to live in a village, similar to where we are visiting.  A few drawbacks to living far away, no easy access to cheese and more critters. Like this lizard that was biting this cat's paw.  Doug got this picture, then caught the lizard on a ping pong paddle and brought it dangerously close to 12 feet away, but you never know when those things might have the ability to fly!

P.S. I don't have ants in my pants, but there were ants all over my bed earlier and now they are all over my laptop...oh village life.

Plus Also (that's a Junie B reference), it's 1:45 am here, and we leave at 5:30 in the morning to head back to Chiang Mai.  So tomorrow night, I'll get pictures up...hopefully.  Love to all of you!

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