Sunday, June 2, 2013

Some days it's just too hard to be good.

Day 70:

Church was this morning and it was baking class day.  It was so exciting to see that our new friends came back this week!  Kees loved playing with their son Luke, and Kora loved throwing his toys out the window.  The cake was yummy!  We didn't get home until 3 pm, I was wiped out and took a nap, then worked on my evaluation questions. Then Amanda got back with Dawn and the girls and we planned out what all errands they need to run tomorrow. They live about 6 hours away, so when they are in Chiang Mai they have about a million things to do.  Something for us to look forward to in a year or so, when we finally move out of the city. Amanda and I stayed up and watched a movie, and now I am up insanely late so I can finish my evaluation stuff and catch up on the blog.



  1. Too hard to be good? You are the kids? Kora all alone in that big room? Torture!!! I'd throw toys out window too! she just wanted to be rescued! And Don't say spoken like a Gramee!

  2. And if it was you? Go to bed Kellee Ann
