Monday, June 3, 2013

A Giant Lizard Windshield Ornament

Day 71:

Today was my last day with Amanda, Dawn and the girls (Dawn's two daughters). I've enjoyed spending time with them and it's been good for me to experience a little taste of what all they have to do when they are "in town". They live about 6 hours away and don't have access to many of the luxury items that I am able to get here in the city.  They got here Thursday night and had each day planned out, they had so many different places to be, but it's extremely difficult to plan everything because some places don't open until late and the city is large and somewhat hard to manuever.  Last night when they were here, we were looking over the plan for the day, Dawn was getting ready to start prioritizing because there wasn't going to be enough time to do everything.  Not sure why I hadn't thought of this earlier, but we ended up splitting the list, and were able to get all her errands done.  They had to see an eye doctor, find a bike shop, go to the meat factory and who knows what all else. While they were doing that, Amanda and I went to Big C (like Walmart) and Home Pro (like Home Depot).
Then we went to our office to drop some stuff off, then over to a co-workers house to pick up an order of homemade jams and pickles. We all met up for lunch at a salad place, then Amanda and I came back to my place to get her stuff and pick up my new friend Christy and her son to take them with us to the baking store: YOK.
After Yok, we unloaded the stepping stones and put them into Dawn's truck. Then we headed over to get our nails done and had dinner.  I said good bye to my friends, but I'll see them in about 6 weeks for our annual conference.

I came home, snuggled babies, washed dishes, did laundry, finished the last little bit of my language self-evaluation, and the best part was listening to my dad's sermon from Sunday.  So good!  I was able to listen while I cleaned, it was a message from Hebrews 11 and it struck home for me so many times.  "Without FAITH it is impossible to please God."  I was also encouraged by a story he shared about a pastor who told a struggling family that "God loves you as if you were the only ones in this world". Sometimes, we lose sight of that, how much God loves us, how much he hurts when we hurt and wants to be that solid rock for us. Too often we push Him away and try to power through on our own.  But in my own life I've realized that when I am looking at my circumstances, my feelings, my day to day struggles, I'm discouraged PERIOD.  But when I am looking to God, seeking to please Him, to spend time with Him, to honor him with my life, those are the times I can rest and be content, knowing that I am abiding in Him.  Let me tell you, there's no better place to be!


  1. Explain the chair
    good posts
    we are praying you are a ble to do your best and are satisfied with that. We are more than satisfied.borderline proud but my pastor frowns on pride.

  2. Be strong in the Lord, and the power of HIS MIGHT!AS THE SONG GOES I AM WEAK BUT HE IS STRONG!good post again!
