Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thankful Thursday: The Mundane

I am ecstatically stupendously thrilled and thankful to be going through a mundane phase of life.

I'm in a ladies bible study and our topic is "The Frazzled Female". On Monday night we all shared about our "hectic" days.  Only my day was SUPER boring and normal.  I was tempted to make something up, and I'm fabulous at that because my sister loves, I mean making up stories.  But I didn't, I just told some funny frazzled days I had in Thailand with the jing joks.

And then last night, we had a mellow evening at home and I was soaking it in. We got a projector so we can host movie nights (we don't have a tv).  And we played a couple wii games as a family and then watched one of my favorite movies EVER, "Anastasia" (the cartoon).

In unrelated, boring news, my freshman year of high school, I got to go to my first BIG dance, the "Tinsel Ball".  I had a long blue sparkly dress.  I remember watching this movie in the theatre over Thanksgiving break, my cousin Kandalynn got us in for free because she worked there.  When I saw Anastasia in her blue dress, I was so excited to about wearing my blue dress!

And Kora loved this movie, she asked to watch it again.  Can't wait to introduce her to all my favorites. Do you think she's too young for "Pride and Prejudice"?

Some people long for adventure, but right now, I'm very content with my boring life.  And just give me a couple minutes, I still live with a 2 year old, so it won't stay boring for long!

And if your life is crazy and hectic. Do your best to embrace it, and tackle what you can.  One thing at a time, and when a mundane day comes,  CELEBRATE!

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