Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wordy Wednesday: Lucifer

God existed before time and space.  He created everything.  The angels, including Lucifer, saw him create.

Even after seeing God's infinite power, Lucifer wanted to be like God.  He chose to leave God's side, in favor of promoting himself.

In Isaiah 14:12-14, we see this referenced:

"How you are fallen from heaven,
O shining star, son of the morning!
You have been thrown down to earth,
you who destroyed the nations of the world.

For you said to yourself,
'I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God's stars.
I will preside on the mountains of the gods
far away in the north.

I will climb to the highest heavens
and be like the Most High.'  "

This was the first time the wrong choice was made, and it set the course for Adam and Eve's downfall, as well.

And for what?

Because Lucifer wasn't satisfied being who God created him to be.  He was thirsty for power, and to make his name known.  He wasn't content with what he had, he wanted more.

Often times in life we are presented with a choice, to trust God, acknowledge who he is, and who we are.  To accept what he's given us and thank him for it.  Or we can disregard him, and choose our own way.  Become prideful expecting and wanting more.

We were made to love, to worship, to be in relationship with God, and others.  We make choices everyday that honor or disrespect our creator God.  As we approach Thanksgiving, and I'm reading about Lucifer's choice, I think, 'If only he'd been thankful for what he had. God had taken such good care of him!"  I think a lot of poor choices begin with an ungrateful heart.  I'm praying this morning, thanking God for who he created me to be, for who HE is and for his goodness and provision.

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