Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Taco Tuesday: Street Tacos


You Will Need:

Corn Tortillas
Pulled Pork/Pork Butt (whatever way you like to make it)
Fixings are optional, here's some ideas: fresh cilantro, sour cream, avocado, salsa/pico, diced tomatoes, peppers, cheese

I've been obsessed with street tacos since my date to the Taco Truck.  I decided, I needed to try at home. So I bought some corn tortillas, piled on some of Doug's pulled pork, and OH MY!  Delicious, delicious, delicious! I've been eating these for 1-2 meals every day for over a week and I could not be more happy about it.  I only have about 2 servings worth of meat left, and I'm sad.

FOR THE MEAT: We stuck with a meat that could be served a variety of ways, so we didn't cook it in BBQ sauce.  It was basically water, garlic cloves, some seasonings and the crock pot.  The lower you cook it, the more tender it will be.  You could add onion. We basically cook with whatever we have on hand. So, we didn't get too fancy.  This meat also made excellent BBQ pork sandwiches for Father's Day!

Compiling an amazing street taco treat is easy peasy. I warmed up corn tortillas in the skillet, set them aside, then warmed the meat in the same skillet. Put the meat in the tortilla, top, and enjoy. 

Don't go too crazy with fixings, is my suggestion.  I served this (to myself) a variety of ways and my personal favorite was just a smidge of sour cream and a jalapeno sauce I found at our grocery store for $1 in the Hispanic food section.  I'll be honest, I love cheese, but I have not felt the need to add any to these tacos, they're just so yummy without it.

This was very inexpensive and fed us SEVERAL times.  I always shy away from buying too much meat because our grocery budget is tight, but I would say this was a great value!  We cut our meat in half and this was the second half.  I think each hunk that we cooked was around $4 a piece and it fed us so many times!!!

I feel silly sharing these recipes, most of what I cook is so simple. But, sometimes, we just need a good idea and a little encouragement, so, take them or leave them.  You can skip Tuesday's posts if they're not your favorite.  That's what's nice about the new blog format, you can pick and choose.

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