Monday, December 8, 2014

Manic Monday: Following Interests

When I was getting my degree (in Early Childhood Education),  I did part of my internship at the lab school on campus.  We had to develop a classroom theme based on the children's interest.  I did a castle theme. I noticed the kids talking and pretending about dragons, princesses, and castles, and went with it.  It was such a fun experience and it's something I try to incorporate with homeschooling as much as possible.  

Recently, we played Settlers of Catan at a friend's place, and Kees watched the whole game intently. When we got home, I saw him pretending he was playing. He used a regular deck of cards and dice, and played with his duck.  So I decided we should make our own version. This game involves strategy and of course turn taking, following rules, probability, and patience.   I had Kees help me color our pieces to go with the game and did my best to include him while I was making the game. Doug says I got a little obsessive and snappy, but that's up for debate.  

Since making the game, it has been a huge motivator for Kees.  He wants to play every. single. day. But he has to get all his school work done first.  Last week, I never brought up school work, after the first time I told him, we could play when we got done. He's brought me the stuff, and nagged me about getting it done, so we can play.  And we've had a blast!  I will forever cherish our time playing by the light of the Christmas tree!

And speaking of Christmas trees, my kids both loved decorating, so we've undecorated and re-decorated a few times. Why not!?  More bang for our buck this way!

A new interest of Kees's is the white elephant gift exchange.  We went to two Christmas parties in a row, and played. So now Kees is wrapping up odds and ends from around the house and wants to play  the "gift stealing game".  He writes the numbers, cuts them out, and makes us choose gifts or steal from each other.  He includes lots of his stuffed animals as participants as well.

That's how kids learn. They like to see what's going on around them, and then DO IT.  Not just see it or read about it, but DO IT.  So, as much as possible, we DO.

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