Monday, July 14, 2014

Manic Monday: Logos and Labels

Manic Monday Week #7: Logos and Labels

You Will Need:

Food boxes/labels

We recycle, but I also hoard and save plastic containers, and lately, I've been cutting words and pictures off of our food boxes before I send the rest to the recycling container.

Here's what I love about this, you already have the stuff and your house.  AND there's so many possibilities for how to use the pieces once you cut them out.

So far, I just let my kids lay them out and sort them.  I also pointed out that "c and h" together make the "ch" sound.  Then we looked for words that had 'c' and 'h' together.

Another fun way to play, is to lay out a few of the pieces, and then describe one that you are looking at.  Then, the kids look for the word or picture you're describing.  You can also pick up one word, show it to them, and see if they can find the word from the group of words you have laid out.

This has great potential for pre-reading, sorting, color identification, vocabulary like descriptor words, not to mention recognizing size and shape.  I even threw in some numbers.

Get creative and have fun with it!

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