Monday, July 21, 2014

Manic Monday: Glow Bath

Manic Monday Week #8: Glow Bath

You Will Need:

A tub full of water
1-2 highlighters
1 Blacklight bulb

This is one of those attempts at fun, that kind of fell flat.  Thankfully, I was able to google search while they were still in the tub, and salvage the experience.  My first attempt was with tonic water, which I read would make their water glow.  It didn't.  I used 2, 1 liter bottles.  Maybe I needed more, but I feel like that's too pricey, but if you don't like the idea of ink, this might be something you'd like to try.  Still not sure why ours didn't glow with the tonic water, but it didn't.

I'd also heard that you could use a glow stick, but let me just warn you now, that someone tried that, punctured the the glow stick and put the contents in the tub, and it BURNED their child's skin.  So, don't do that!  But you could use glow sticks as long as you make sure they don't get opened.

What ended up working was a yellow highlighter, one I already use, because I was desperate!  It worked like a charm.  I just cut open the marker and put the loverly glowing ink in the water.  And, yes, I said, "loverly", and I meant to!  Then I put the blacklight bulb into our lamp, turned off the overhead lights, turned the lamp on, and it was a magnificent glowing bath!

I think, after Halloween, I'm going to have to find some cheap gl
This is not something I would do too often, just because it's ink.  In all reality, my kids enjoyed their plastic glow in the dark toys, with the lights turned off, more than the glowing water. I think, after Halloween, I'm going to have to find some cheap glow in the dark toys to add to the fun! I think if I'd had a larger sized highlighter or used two, it would have made the water stand out more.

Another idea I read online was glow in the dark bath paints.  The major drawback, for me was the price point on the paints that you had to buy.  You mixed the paint with shaving cream and then have the backlight on for them to glow.  The paints were $20-$50, that's crazy!  I'm considering mixing highlighter ink with shaving cream to see if that works.  If so, I'll make it a future post!

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