Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thankful Thursday: Keesisms

Thankful Thursday

Alright, the official ruling on Thursday, and keep in mind I'm no rule follower, is that it will be Thankful Thursday. I'll keep my eyes peeled throughout the week, looking for something I'm thankful for, something I find funny, or maybe a particularly bizarre happening at our last week, when Kora figured out how to climb on the trash can and "helped" me, by putting her used yogurt cup on top of the clean dishes, but not before she "painted" the countertop with the leftover yogurt.

Here's some evidence:

This week's "Thankful Thursday" thing (say that 5 times fast),  actually happened on Sunday.  Doug was showing the kids a picture of him when he was 5.

Here's a picture of them looking at the picture, and the actual picture:

After seeing the picture, Kees said: "Why'd you make your cheeks come out like that?"  Doug and I both died laughing. Later in the evening, I pulled out a picture of Kees where his cheeks were sticking out and asked him the same thing, only he made up an answer, "Well, I kept laying in the road getting run over, and I died, then came back to life, got run over again, died, came back to life again, and it made my cheeks stick out!" 

When it was time to clean up for the evening, I overheard Kees saying: "Kora wants everybody to die, so she can eat all the candy in the house!"

Where on Earth does this kid come up with this stuff!?!  We love all the bizarre things he says, if you haven't lately, you should check out this video from Thailand.  Kees put himself in "jail" and made up a wild tale about "crooky officers" hiding money, and a monster in the toilet.

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