Thursday, August 7, 2014

Thankful Thursday: In the Kitchen

We live in an apartment. And I'm sure lots of people would be dreaming of a bigger better home.  But, honestly, I love our place.  The living room is open, the kids have friends that come ask them to play on the regular, and my kitchen is well equipped.

Funny, when I was in Thailand, I had no AC in the kitchen, no oven, no dishwasher, no mixer for the first year.  We got by, I had lots of crazy kitchen adventures with my oversized toaster oven.  But I was mostly happy there too.  I think I've learned how to make it work with what I have.  Not with out hard days of course.

This morning, I made two batches of cupcakes from a box mix I bought on clearance.  I bought them from a store I easily drove to in less than five minutes, and was able to read the box and easily understand the pricing.  

After a year in Thailand, I could do that, less the *inexpensive* mix.  But I could easily drive myself to the stores I liked to shop at, and I got comfortable with the money system, and I could get my hands on the ingredients I needed.  Still not half as easy as here, considering the coolness of my kitchen right now, and the dishes washing themselves in the dishwasher.

Philippians 4:11-13 (ESV) says:

"11 Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.12 I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. 13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me."

People are always quoting Philippians 4:13 and forget the verses preceding it.  Paul is talking about being content, no matter what.  The best way I've found to do that, is to stop and make a list of what God has done in my life.  Sometimes when facing uncertainty or hard times, all we focus on are the what ifs and the negative things.  But God has done so much.  Think of ten things you have, right now, that are a blessing to you.  Thank God for those things, then ask him to help you see a way through your current trial (if you have one, and don't we all?).

I started this post, just to express how thankful I am for my kitchen and how God has provided for us. But I hope the little extra wordiness will be an encouragement to someone.

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